5 weeks old!!!

We can't believe the girls are 5 weeks old!!! Sorry I have not updated the blog since last week. Life is very busy now as we get to be more and more involved in the girls' care.
Maya is now 4lbs!!! She is being weened down little by little on her oxygen and seems to be doing well. This week she got to start non-nutritive practice feedings. She has only tried a couple times, but is figuring it out. She really seems to be catching up to her sister.
Lincoln is 4lbs 6oz! She is working on coming off her nasal cannula all together. Lincoln is now working on real breast feeding!! It is so exciting! Right now we get to try for a few minutes once a day before a tube feeding starts. We will work on it everyday until she gets strong enough to take in a full feeding on her own.
Mom and Dad are so amazed at how strong the girls are. We know we have a ways to go but are so hopeful and eager for a healthy homecoming!


1 comment:

  1. Our Sweet Babies are getting so big. They will be home before you know it.
    Both of you are doing such a great job, these girls definately know who you are and already feel the love and security when they are with you.
    I am counting down the days until I can hold and snuggle and kiss all over my sweet baby grandaughters♥
