1/20 & 1/21

We have enter a trial and error phase. We are both growing and showing signs that we can breath and keep warm on our own, so we are getting a chance to do so.
Maya got her IV out and is now getting almost as much milk as her sister at each feed.
Lincoln is trying to come off her oxygen all together. Yesterday morning she was off for a few hours and then went back on when she started struggling to keep her O2 levels up. This morning we tried again, and she was doing really well. She was having some spells, but we are going to let her keep trying on her own. Mom got some good pics of Dad holding Lincoln today with no cannula on, so you can see her cute face better.
Both girls are doing a pretty god job at keeping their temps up on their own. Today they got to be dressed for the first time ever!! It is so funny because they are still swimming even in the preemie size. We can really tell they are growing. It is funny things like their ears which look more defined and their heads which feel so much larger in our hands now.

Mom sneaks a kiss

What the heck are you doing down there? (Dad changing Maya's diaper.)

Dad, Uncle Jake, and Maya

Maya - no longer naked

Maya Jo

Lincoln asleep on mom

Lincoln cracking mom up.

Daddy and Lincoln

Maya - look how much she's changed already!


  1. wow how they have changed! love checking on the updates!

    congrats savannah!

    ~sarah (welty) kemp

  2. AHHH you made such cute little nuggets!!

  3. Oh my gosh! They have changed so much. Can't wait to see them in person. I've had a cold that I just can't seem to shake or I'd be down to see you all. XOXO!! for Lincoln and XOXO for Maya.
